I’ve always regarded Zhongou Xu as an“intellectual”for his unique insight and reasoning ability not very common among graphic artists. What I couldn’t expect is when he works, though working with his usual brilliant mind, he acts like a farm worker.
In August this year, I spotted a pile of plywood plates on the floor of his house, more than 1 meter high. I asked him, “what do you want to make out of this?” But he answered,“it’s already done.”“How could you possibly find the time to do this colossal amount of work?”“I collected bits and pieces of my time.”
That really surprised me. I thought the only thing that could compare to this is the labor of a farm worker picking up weeds from the field. I felt awed instantly.
Those works now appear in this catalog.
Before this the artist has already completed many woodcut series, all meticulously made and forcefully presented. But not until I saw his 10 meter long masterpiece did I realize his work and the ambience surrounds it are totally“relaxed”. Relax is not as easy as it sounds. It can only be achieved when the artist is matured enough. From then on, I’ve anticipated, quietly, that Xu would embarked on the road of imagery, even abstraction.
The series that we see now, though associated with words and writing, are deprived of the words’meanings. What is left is the spiritual impression that the pure graphic projects. These works have nothing to do with“reality”, instead they are dealing with spirituality. It is an abstraction“nailed”into our heart. Abstract indeed!
These works, with their strong presence, are nothing less when compared to important oil painting and ink painting pieces.
Though they are each brilliant artwork in its own right, this time, Xu proposed not to hang them up and appreciate them separately as museum works, but to see them as an integral part of their environment, inseparable from the architecture. Through such attempt, he has permeated his work into the realm of public art. Architecture, environment and art interact with each other as a result of his positive intervention.
These works are better looking in distance. Looking from afar, the physical dimensions seem to expand and so do the spiritual dimensions of the viewer.
This is indeed painstaking and yet pleasure-generating work.
Sep 21, 2009
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